A reception was held for the retirement of 4 teachers and a school nurse.
These handbooks contain information about city government and assorted photos and information aboaut city services.
League of Women voters
He was given the award for his work in a kidnapping/murder case in May, 1991.
Rieck, Nancy
Landmark #95 - This is a mid-century house designed by Charles & Doris Danna. It has been awarded Landmark Status.
Danna Family
The Missouri Pacific Railroad, once St. Louis' largest company, retired its last locomotives on April 7, 1955. The diesel had begun with Missouri Pacific in 1940.
O-Neil, Tim
This is a "place to live". An advertisement for the property which had just gone on the market for $1,599,000.
Russell, Stefene
This letter has additions to the article on Kirkwood Theater Al was preparing.
Lending, Sheldon
Mr. Barnes is writing to a friend about the Mudd family in Pittsfield, IL. He had gone to school with this Alan Seiler. He states we are willing to share our information with Pittsfield. Alan answers and sends information.
Barnes, Bud
Attached is a copy of a Train Order signed by Mr. Burgess' father then night operator at Woodlawn. This order is from 11/15/1893.
Burgess, F. Travers
This letter lists a summary of each of the crime prevention programs being used by the department.
Linza, Dan
This is a copy of a letter in response to a petition to have Dr. Samuel Mudd pardoned. He cannot accommodate this request.
Reagan, Ronald
A letter to an delegate of the Community Race Relations Institute of Greater St. Louis describing the Steering Committee's recent activities. The letter also references copies of proceedings and speeches that are not included here.
Crossen, Genevieve W.
Letter to Kirkwood Board of Education requesting repairs and improvements to the Booker Washington School.
Pastel, E. A.
Thank you for permission to install a bronze plaque at the Kirkwood Station.
Ambler, W. King
This letter is pleading the case for Dr. Mudd's name to be cleared. He was tried by a military board which should not have happened.
Saylor, Jack R.
Letter references an inquiry of Valentine Becker and his association with the bank.
White, Lee I.
This letter states she is the fourth cousin of Mr. Sheehan. She references an interest in genealogy and wants to get with him to share information.
Abbott, Shirley
Thank you for interview with Ted Warner.
Burkett, Susan
This letter is in regard to the Hodgen family who lived in Hodgenville, KY. Some of the property in Kirkwood is recorded to the Sarah Hodgen.
Inquiry letter with 13 questions regarding her owning of the theater. Answers are in pencil and hard to read.
Winkler, Al
This college was chartered in 1955 as the science and engineering school of the Claremont Colleges. This letter was part of a capital campaign.
Harvey Mudd College
This letter is asking about the architects plan for a Kirkwood Theatre.
Winkler, Al
These two letters are very similar and regard a copy of the upcoming article for the Review.
Winkler, Al
Mr. McFarland was recalling his memories of the area when he went to Osage Hills.
McFarland, Walter
This letter was written to promote the 150th Year Celebration and asking for funds to repair Mudd's Grove.
Godi, Joe