Maps, articles, stories, and ads collected by Susan Burkett for local research
Burkett, Susan
This was the first official district in Kirkwood. This article relates the history of the area.
Grodsky, Dawn
Article about the new subdivision being developed by Agape in the Highlands area which included the Frisco Depot.
Courtaway, Robbi
This article was published in the Advertiser but was originally printed in the March 1963 Kirkwood Historical Review.
Chomeau, Mary Broderick
This booklet includes information on the area, landmarks guidelines and map of residences.
Landmarks Commission
This was the first district in Kirkwood to become a historic district. This provided the commission to review any plans for new buildings. There were approximately 36 buildings impacted by this designation.
Stobaugh, Gail
3rd grade, room 110, class photo at Meramec Highlands School in Oct. 1929.
Article was written when the area was proclaimed Kirkwood's first historic district on Oct. 1, 1989. Memories from Harlan Gould of the Inn and his exploring it while it was abandoned are included.
Greer, Jack W.
Group photo of the teachers at the Meramec Highlands School in the 1920s.
These are the floor plans for the passenger station at Meramec Highlands
Captain Koenemann was a 26 year veteran of police work. He was the winner of the first award.
Police Department
Lt. Austin was a 32 year veteran of the department. He was active in upgrading the department's physical fitness-wellness program.
Police Department
Lt O'Keefe was a 25 year veteran of the department.
Police Department
Patrolman Kempf was a 19 year veteran of the Department.
Police Department
This is a wonderful description of the amenities at Aberdeen Heights.
Nay, Brittany
Mission statement,- minutes from May 2000 through January 16, 2001.
This was a brief article about the inaugural run of this train.
This appears to be a rendering for updates in 2019.
This story is based on murals done by Frank Nuderscher. It is the history from the beginning until 1963. This is a 16 page pamphlet with many illustrations.
The original book of Missouri Pacific locomotives and trains 1905-1955 - 351 pages - black and white photographs of locomotives and trains.
Collias, Joe G.
Bill Herbert crafted four area train depots for his model railroad. Lake Junction, Webster Park, Kirkwood, Tuxedo Park were the four stations. These were not on display.
Mannino, Fran
Summer 2013 - This is the story of the MoPac's extreme machine. Photos included are from Joe Collias.
Ecoff, Chris
This man wrote about the changes in the property at Pitman School property. There was a year when the school was torn down and nature began to take over the property. Then the bank was built.
Ulmer, David
This article was written after the merger in 1982 of the Union and Missouri Pacific Railroads. It offers different opinions on the success of the merger with personnel.
Stoff, Rick
The emerald is explored. The green on the coal was the mark of coal which complied the St Louis smoke laws.
City Ice & Fuel