These are the many papers it took to get the project started and drawings and descriptions throughout the dig.
8 X 10" Pen and Ink - Depot looking north - dated 1975.
Haeckel, Lester
This drawing shows persons waiting for the train in long skirts and standing under the overhang.
A typed petition to the mayor and city council of Kirkwood to broaden the function of the Kirkwood City Park Board to include responsibility for a recreation program. The petition has one signature: Marion Brooks.
Brooks, Marion
back states "from 6th grade old high school building on Adams Avenue. Mr. M.E. Hard-Principal, Mary Scott Skinker-Teacher. Students named but may not be in order. 6 not named at all"
"Back of photo says - ""This is 5th or 6th grade in old wooden, temporary building Adams Avenue at Clay SW. Teacher Miss Botticher (spelling questionable) Principal M. E. Hard"
This is a photo of the house at 434 N. Harrison
Beerman, Clara
"This is a black and white photo of the front of the house. This photo was taken for the 1965 house tour."
This shows the 1) turntable 2) flagpole in park 3) Grace Episcopal Church 4) Taylor Avenue 5) Donovan House.
Donovan, Miller Mabrey
8 X 10" color - The first Eagle, later the Missouri River Eagle at Washington, MO around 1940.
8 X 10" b/w - this photo shows the sign and the feed store behind it.
8 X 10" b/w - June 1974. This is Diesel #59 was brand new. Kirkwood Depot in background.
Collias, Joe
These photos are of the students and their activities.
This is a color photo of the side of the house.
These are action photos of the students at the site. They are from different times during 1989 and 1990.
Scheidegger, Francis
8 X 10" b/w - The Missouri Mule was at Kirkwood Station. #341 was the engine on the Amtrak train.
5 X 7" b/w - Back says taken in 1910. Front says "Bridge over Mo Pacific R. R. Kirkwood.
Colias, Joe
This is a photo from the newspaper showing a rainstorm hovering over the depot.
Holt, Robert C.
8 X 10" b/w - This is the unveiling of the Kirkwood Depot plaque with Miss Bess Donovan and Mr. Herbert Meier. Plaque was donated by the Kirkwood Historical Society.
Scheidegger, Francis
This family was living in the St. Charles area and all children are named. Most dates are from the 1800s.
8 X 10" b/w - No date - Train is a freight stopped on Kirkwood Road crossing.
Photo shows Eugene J, Helen Rechtern, Dr. James Mudd and Charles A and Ellen Becker Rechtern.
This is an 8 X 10" photo of Eugene who was Vice President of the Mercantile Bank in St. Charles.
Some of the students are named teacher not in photo.
Lester Jones Studio
This photo came from Harold Warfield family. Not sure about the photographer. Teacher is in the photo.
O'Malley Studio?