There are 4 photos in this article.
Davito, D. & Brady, G.
Work begun on razing by St. Peters. Some history of the school from 1901-1921
Kirkwood Messenger
This event was sponsored by the Granite City Police department. Gene Young of Kirkwood participated.
A receipt from Kirkwood Public Library to rent the auditorium for an Interracial Group meeting. Marion Brooks was charged $2.00 for this.
Brooks, Marion
Photo lists Dr. James, Eugene J., Dr. Leo, Arthur, Charles B. Francis, Mary, Margaret and Linus Muss.
This is announcing the completion of improvements. Some nice photos.
Bry, Charlene
Mr. Haupt was the President of Commerce Bank of Kirkwood. He was making this presentation at the beginning of demolition.
Haupt, Joseph P.
There is a list of maintenance items and drawings by Ralph Wafer Architect.
Report of Betty Warfield in 1933-34
Kirkwood Public Schools
A typed report on two events hosted by the Kirkwood Interracial Group. The total for the tickets sold was $123.60 and the expenses were $35.91. The profit was $87.70.
Davis, George C. Jr.
Captain Haley was a 30 year veteran with the department. 150+ perople attended his retirement dinner
Police Department
This program was the spouses program and was to enable spouses to understand the job their partner performed.
Police Department
Mo Pac train, last commuter in St. Louis, will make final run Friday. .Known as the Kirkwood Eagle or Pacific Eagle this train was to be taken off.
Rice, Jack
Leslie Handley's class wrote a book about the area. They did all the research and writing. They also did drawings, sketches and a poem included.
Canterbury, Ruth
This was to announce the appropriate roof for the station.
Lester, J.B.
The crime-blocker program were trained citizen volunteers to report suspicious activities. Rose Bouras was the chairman of the group.
Penn, Carole Jane
These are the representatives of each club and the President, treasurer and secretary were chosen from them.
Greentree Council
These rules were developed in May of 1936. There are 42 rules in this booklet. He states he formed these to comply with a request of the city council.
Lewis, Earl
This flyer mentioned dinner at Spencer's Grill, shuttle ride to Mudd's Grove and dessert at Mudd's Grove. Tickets were $10 or $25 for families.
Several renditions of this presentation. Some are typed and contain 106 slide narratives, one has 79, 2 appear to be handwritten notes. We do not have the slides just the script.
Demolition was to begin on St. Joseph's Hospital for the impending Aberdeen Heights Senior Housing.
Bryant, Tim
1992 Site plan used in the purchase of Mudd's Grove by the Historical Society. 8 1/2x11
Clayton Engineering Company
The 1971 Gravity Grand Prix was co-sponsored by the Kirkwood Police Department, Noonday Optimist Club and Lions Club.
Police Department
There are lists of Friends officers and Society officers.
Godi, Joe
The Society was to hold a barbecue as part of the celebration.
Thompson, Danette