This is a copy of a photo showing clouds of smoke belching from the funnels of a Mo Pac train coming into Kirkwood from the west. It appears to be at Geyer Road.
Scheidegger, Francis
These are for a cottage for Mr. George Dana on the northwest corner of the square of land owned by him in Kirkwood.
Klipstein, E.C.
15 pagesCalendar of Events March 1-August 17. Same 8 parks mentioned.
Parks Department
Program listings for April 22-28.
STL Post Dispatch
1988 published by Interurban Press - History of Streetcar service in St. Louis. Includes the politics behind the scenes.
Young, Andrew D.
Agape applied for a demolition permit after the council rejected their rezoning request. The concern at this time was the station would be torn down as stated.
Shaw, Matt
This article is about Kirkwood and the station being treasured. It talks about retailers.
Meyer, Karyn
Sean Funcik created a Kirkwood Train station replica. He was in the gifted program at Nipher Middle School.
This is many of the stories told by individual officers. It appears that these interviews were from 1988.
This discusses the helper engines which were needed to conquer the "Hill".
Colias, Joe G.
Kirkwood was in the process of taking over operations of the Train Station.
DeLuce, Regina
The river flooded Tree court Swim and Tennis Club, KAA fields, and Greentree Park. Many low lying areas along Marshall Road, West Watson Road and Larkin Williams were flooded.
Murphy, Kevin
Almanac printed for Bell System Telephone subscribers.
Bell System
This document runs from the beginning until 1948. It is one page from the Missouri Historical Society St. Louis.
In its prime the station welcomed over 500 passengers per day. At the time of the article it was in danger of demolition.
Baker, James F.
This is a then and now article The last date in the article is 1977.
Welty, Gus
This is an address of the history of Missouri Pacific Corporation to the Newcomen Society.
Jenks, Downing B.
This photo states the building was sold to the Hunstein Co. and might house a shopping center.
This is the dust jacket for the book "The Story of Cyprus Mines Corporation" by David Lavender, 1962. This photo may not be used without permission of the Library.
Huntington Library
Article tells of the history of the area and the present status of same. The focus is on what is left in 1983 which was not much.
Swift, Earl
This was inviting the residents to the dedication ceremony for the Amtrak station's new roof.
1937 - Five hamburgers for 10 cents at any White Castle.
Tickets were 55 cents each including war tax. Dance was at the Armory in Webster Groves, MO.
1) George Davis Dana 1905-1988, 2) Mary Leslie Dana Wells 1911, 3) George Davis Dana 1845-1906, 4) Statuary, 5) Leslie Dana 1873-1955, 6) Virginia Lord Dana 1949-1915, 7) Pauline Dunlop 1877-1915, 8) Judith Brown Dana 1880-1968, 9) George D. Dana 10) Ward Thorne 1902-1970, 11) Judith Dana Thorne 1903-1990
Andel, Marie
This is a four-page tour geared toward elementary students.