This article featured the house and events which were to take place during the Anniversary year. The money raised was to restore Mudd's Grove. Roof, porch, brickwork, chimney and other repairs.
Shapiro, Mary
A brief history of the area written at the same time of the neighbors trying to renovate the station.
Shopper Theater weekly bus passes from the 1940s. Each one has some kind of an advertisement on it.
This an article about the station agent. He had been with the railroad in one form or another since 1939. He worked in many stations and finally ended up being employed by Amtrak.
Stoff, Rick
The purpose of the article was to explain the "Save Mudd's Grove" sign in the front lawn. It was to raise awareness of the condition of the house.
Mannino, Fran
Carl Haley was named the 1st captain in the history of the Kirkwood Police Department in 1959. He relates some incidents while he was on duty and changes to the department.
Chott, Roxanne
This is under the section called "The Observer" and was written at the time Robinson students were writing their book. It is a good in-depth history of the resort talking of the 1904 Fair days and the eventual decline.
Lindenbusch, John
Mr. Gill was Presidnet of the Title Insurance Corporation for St. Louis and a local historian he published these booklets on area history to advertise his business from 1938 to 1955
McCune, Gill
This was given to H. Warfield on August 30, 1909 and signed by J. H. Knierim, Mayor.
City of Kirkwood
This certificate was between James Robert Mudd and Mary Boschert at St Peter and Paul Church.
Article was written when Courtney Jones wanted to open a restaurant in the old train tunnel. Siegfried Reinhardt was interested in having the station for an artist studio. P & Z recommended denial of the request.
Van Kirk, Cynthia
This is an obituary for Patrick O'Donnell. He was on the Kirkwood police force 10 years the last 5 being chief.
This photo is from a 2003 Celebration calendar. It was taken in 1920 at the Fourth of July parade.
This is part of the book "The Missouri Pacific System" by Mr. Burton mentioning the route to Kirkwood. Pages 74-79.
Burton, W. J.
This ceremony was for the placing of the finial on the room.
This article includes information on Kirkwood, Tuxedo Park, Frisco Station in Webster Grove and Meramec Highlands, Jefferson Barracks and Wabash.
Kaiser, Max
2002 The city had been leasing the property with long term leases but the railroad was changing their policy.
Harris, Marty
The city was inviting city residents to join in commemorating the newly renovated station.
This is a four page article with photos. It is about the end of the commuter line. The automobile led to its demise.
Leeman, Wayne
This photo and article were taken at the ceremony for the razing of the 63 year old structure. They were showing the items removed from the building's cornerstone.
Sgt Ivan E. Rybolt (19 years) and Lonnie Speer (1.5 years) were recognized as outstanding Law Enforcement Officers of the year. The Kirkwood Post 156 of the American Legion presented the awards.
Police Department
Typed document including information on the purpose of the Kirkwood Interracial Group, membership qualifications, executive board members, committees, finances, and amendments with handwritten corrections.
Kirkwood Interracial Group
The County Board of Equalization was reviewing all tax exempt properties to make sure they are fulfilling their mission of tax exemption.
Giegerich, Steve
9/74 - Post Dispatch; appointed as first captain & Brigade Commander or Corps of Cqdets at West Point.
STL Post Dispatch
This shows the approximate site of Edwin Lemp Estate from 1911 which included 140 acres.