Detective Morrison was the Juvenile/School Liaison officer. He had been with the city for 4 1/2 tears.
Police Department
This article was in the Lifestyle section featuring the Kuklas in their Meramec Highlands Depot home. Photos in color of front of home, dining room, old circular stairs, living room, kitchen, home theater and porte-cochere.
Ave, Melanie
Taffy Wilber received the outstanding practitioner award. Kirkwood was given outstanding program award for its community/police crime prevention program and outstanding youth crime prevention award was given to Kirkwood Police Explorer Post 9131.
This article was written for the improvement made to the station and to promote Downtown Kirkwood.
1999 - The AAR was going to have a display and present several gifts to the station including a model of the station built by Mel Combs.
This booklet covers important events by decades. There is a section on the history of the trains and their relation to Kirkwood.
Beck, Betty Murphy
The Kirkwood Hill has been a challenge for the engineers since the road was first built. This story tells of the hill and the helpers who made the grade possible. This article is from the book MOPAC POWER, 1980.
Collias, Joe G.
Details society activities and defines responsibilities and functions of officers, Directers and committees
Explains purpose, membership structure and functions of the society in 7 articles
This house tour was for six homes in Kirkwood including the newly completed Meramec Highlands Depot.
STL Post Dispatch
The Society had recently acquired, courtesy of the Missouri Pacific, a complete set of architectural drawings from 1893. They wered to be on display at the Commerce Bank lobby.
1941 - The residents were protesting to keep the Kirkwood Depot from being "modernized". The depot was 46 years of age.
Globe Democrat
Mr. Connor was president of Casey's Sport Stores. He claimed he was framed. He supposedly attempted to bribe two witnesses against James W. Bradshaw a former Kirkwood policeman.
750 N Taylor - The 135 year old house was built in 1875. It has a potential purchaser with a contingency for a demolition permit.
Gillerman, Margaret
Work in Progress. Chapters on Government & Economy, Religious Organizations, Educational Institutions, Social Organizations, Cultural Activities and Recreation. Synopsis of June Dahl History of Kirkwood Missouri .Streets of Kirkwood including dates.
Book Committee
This was to be repainted, refurnished and relandscaped joint expense with Kirkwood and Amrrak.
Globe Democrat
Police-School-Liaison officer Bob Sanders received this award for distinguished and dedicated service advancing respect for law objectives.
Police Department
Detective Price was named one of the two outstanding juvenile officers in the state of Missouri for the year 1976.
Police Department
Officer Wayne L. Werner was promoted to the rank of sergeant on July 12, 1976. He had been with the department for 7 years.
Police Department
Photo of Chief Dan Linza and Officer Charles Garner.
The Armory at the sw corner of Kirkwood Road and Adams Ave. is pictured. The second photo is of the Commerce Bank building. There is a retirement community now called Adams Place.
Mensio, Ken
The first photo is the original church before the fire. The second photo from 1987. The church is adding on as of 2005.
The 1867 St. Peters Church contrasted with the church built in 1952.
Mensio, Ken
These photos show all three city halls.
Mensio, Ken
The Kirkwood Hotel and Heege Store are pictured. The second picture is the Target Store. Currently Station Plaza occupies this site.
Mensio, Ken