Mrs. Danna was presented the AIA's highest recognition, the Gold Honor award. Mrs. Danna was a pioneer for women in the field of architecture. She worked with the AIA to develop charettes as a way to bring design professionals together to solve problems.
Byerly, Barb
This flood affected Times Beach, Valley Park, Eureka, Fenton, Pacific and Kirkwood.
Koenig, Robert L.
This was an article in a new Kirkwood area magazine. It is an article about the Highlands. Short but accurate. Photo of the Ford club in front of the Highlands Inc.
Wippold, Barney
History from May 21, 1953 - 2009
Webster Kirkwood Times. New captain of the Enterprise was Pioneer at Kirkwood High. He also starred in Quantum Leap. Graduated from KHS 1973.
Harty, Linda Briggs
The train station had been restored and the building was for sale. There were 11 lots to the subdivision. The station was for sale for $500,000 which fit into the price range of the new homes to be built.
Harris, Marty
It was in the late 1920's that Floyd and Fred Hilderbrand stayed in the second floor of the grocery store in the Meramec Highlands. Joseph Hiavaty was the store keeper and allowed them to stay. He then helped them in the robbery of the Kroger company.
Wallis, Michael
2 pamphlets - 1) Exceptional Offer to Introduce the New Precision Shaving Insturment 2) Use Barbasol Shaving Cream
This was a fact sheet for a proposed park site in the Highlands area. It was a 40 acre track of land which had been purchased by Mark Andrews. This park never happened.
Gould, Harlan A.
Interviews with several persons in Valley Park and Times Beach.
Koenig, Robert
Moto cross bicycles (20 inch single speed) were to be in competition during Green Tree on September 10, 1977.
Police Department
This is a menu with prices listed for steak, ham, bacon, spring chicken, sandwiches and desserts. It states they make a specialty of dinners and cold lunches for parties.
This is a packet of information regarding Mr. Mudd and the Harvey Mudd College.
"1906 - Page 145 - General Manager of Charter Oak Stove and Range Company. Married Virginia Lord. One son - Leslie."
There are eight different documents concerning the life of Mr. Mudd and his time in Kirkwood. Some are from books and some by local authors.
VP Charter Oak Stove & Range Co. Son of George Davis and Virginia Dana. Education Smith Academy and MIT.Served with Battery A of St. Louis, in Missouri Volunteers with Puerto Rican Expedition 1898.
Stevens, Walter B.
This was written when he was 46 years of age. He was a doctor and the son of Henry T. Mudd.He was on the staff of St Luke's Hospital.
This booklet was printed in 1963 and relates the history of the bank from 1863 forward. Balentine Beck was employed by the bank.
This speaks of hunting on the Gratz place. The Boyd place also had many squirrels.
Shreveport Times
A brief personal history of Auvelia H. Arnold including her date of birth, address, parents, grandparents, education, employment, hobbies, favorite poem, favorite book, awards, and other information.
Arnold, Auvelia H.
This was the 2006 Showcase Home. The asking price was $1,599,000.
Agape Construction
This house is in Charles County, Maryland.
Arehart, Louise Mudd
1937 - Booklet about motor oil, grease, black asphaltum paint.
National Refining
This is a brief history of Kirkwood done in Sepia tones. There are many photos of old Kirkwood.
Commerce Bank
2 different brochures - These were printed at the time of the restoration of Mudd's Grove. Some information about the society and some about Mudd's Grove.